My offer is to provide you, in an assertive and timely manner, with highly-qualified solutions that you need to eliminate your polymerization problems, boost the Quality of your PVC resins, improve the processing performance of your customers and increase the competitiveness of your Company, under strict confidentiality and at an affordable price.
The knowledge that I use to carry out Consultancies is neither confidential nor proprietary, but is personal and based on updated, published and available technical and scientific literature.
The added value that I offer you is the integration of all this knowledge with my experiences to form an integrated and complete vision of the complex interaction of all phenomena involved in VCM polymerization process and the performance of resulting S-PVC resins in the manufacture of vinyl products.
All the information that you share with me in the course of any Consulting activity is confidential and I will use it only for your Service, committing myself through any legal Confidentiality Agreements that you require me to sign but above all with my personal and professional integrity.
You can select the type of Service that best suits your needs and the level of information that you must provide as detailed below:

1. Direct questions / questionnaires
The answer provided is subject to the scope of the question, so I ask to be as clear and explicit as possible.
2. Troubleshooting guides
I can provide general guides for troubleshooting in case you do not want to provide details about your Plant or product.
3. Diagnosis making
Based on the information you provide, I can make a diagnosis of your plant or its resins, including the root cause of any problem that can be identified.
4. Recommendations for troubleshooting
They can be based either on your own diagnosis or mine to mitigate or eliminate a problem.
5. Plant visit
In person.
With these direct interactions with your operational and technical personnel at your Plant, diagnosis and assistance in the implementation of recommended solutions for problem solving is expedited.
6. Seminar designed to needs
In person or remote.
Technical Seminars designed with content focused on your particular needs of scope and time to be presented to your staff.
7. Optimization and Design Projects
In person and remote
Longer-term projects based on strategic objectives for the development of new technologies, resins and materials.
How to know if a Consultation is worth it for you?
The idea of paying a Consultancy for a core competence is not easy, since all companies assume that they have people with the right combination of skills and knowledge to carry out activities that are both productive and innovative.
Sometimes the answer is very obvious like having a big problem that cannot be ignored as it creates unacceptable losses and cannot be made to disappear by conventional means such as going back to the previous conditions when there was no problem or lowering prices as compensation for troubled customers. In this case, the costs of having such a problem are both direct (loss of production/sales) and indirect (actions to mitigate losses), which can reach millions of dollars per year if the loss of customer trust and loyalty is included.
In other cases, hidden costs are present and not easy to notice. An example of this is Plant Efficiency, which is defined as the amount of spec-compliant PVC production divided by the amount of VCM consumed during production. The efficiency for well-designed and well-controlled PVC plants is above 99.7%, so any lower value means a loss of 100 t/yr for every 0.1% decrease for each 100,000 t/yr production. Therefore, a PVC plant operating at 99.0% is having losses equivalent to the production of 700 tons of on-spec PVC per year.
The choice is yours: continue your current situation or invest a fraction to improve it?
Describe your needs and conditions, and I will make you a free quote for the most appropriate Consulting Service.